· Unless otherwise agreed the bell tent must be set up, dismantled, and packed away by WILDlings staff only.
· The tent must be kept as clean as possible, ensure any spillages or mess is tidied and cleaned.
· Any liquid spillages on the canvas should be left to dry and cleaned with a dry hard brush, please do not use any cleaning products on the canvas as it requires specialized products.
· Under no circumstances should there be fires, heaters, smoking, vapes, candles or any naked flames inside or near the tent.
· Do not allow children to use felt tips / paint etc inside the tent or near the canvas.
· Please keep all animals and pets out of the tent and away from all bedding.
· If the weather conditions are windy please check guy ropes regularly and make sure the pegs are secure into the ground.
· The bell tent should not be used in excessive wind and should be evacuated if this is the case, we will do our best to rearrange a date for rehire.
· You are welcome to unzip and lift the sides of the tent, please close and re zip before collection.
· Please do not allow children (or adults) to swing around or hang off the central pole or jump on the beds.
· The tent will be decorated with bunting around the edges, this is a potential risk for children sleeping near the edge, it could become loose and wrap around the child. If you would rather not have bunting please remove or let WILDlings know before set up.
· Please only eat dry food in the tent.
· Please report any damages as soon as you can. Air beds may get punctures and materials ripped, although everything is checked and cleaned after each use it is helpful if you let us know on collection.
· Damages may need to be paid for by the client.